Oriole Advocates

Avon kids matter


Oriole Advocates will lend a voice to the students, teachers and staff of the Avon Community School Corporation (ACSC) to promote student achievement and community engagement.


Oriole Advocates will engage the Avon-Washington Township community and local and state-level leaders to help ACSC remain one of the premier school corporations in Indiana and to be appreciated as a key asset to the citizens of the state.

Guiding Principles

  • Unity with the Community (CommUNITY) — The Oriole Advocates are residents, business owners and other concerned citizens who believe that strong schools are critical to the area’s growth and success. We desire to produce an aligned vision among the public at-large that promotes a stronger community. To this end:
    • We abstain from and do not support purposely divisive statements or language intended to disparage those with differing views.
    • We engage in communication that is helpful, informative and respectful, while also being supportive of ACSC’s students, staff and administrators in an effort to bolster their efforts to remain a leading education institution in the state of Indiana.
    • We seek common ground to help bind the schools and the community together more tightly.
  • Alignment with the Schools — We are separate from ACSC, but strive to develop goals and communications that align with the real world needs of the schools by maintaining healthy interaction with school leadership.
  • Promoting ACSC Causes with Elected and Appointed Officials — The Oriole Advocates (either directly or via groups with similar goals and objectives) will develop and maintain robust communications with local and state officials who impact public policy relative to education.
  • Truthful, Transparent Information — We strive to produce accurate, verifiable communications in an open manner to both actively highlight successes and to realistically portray the challenges that face ACSC.
  • Inclusive Membership — Anyone who shares a passion for supporting and improving the ACSC can be considered for membership in Oriole Advocates, provided that he/she agrees to work in the spirit of these mission, vision and guiding principles statements.

Adopted by the Oriole Advocates January 2015.